Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Good thing for endings...The ending of a good thing

Last night was the last session of the second Financial Peace University that we've hosted. I am so glad it's done. Not that I didn't enjoy the class, but after 3 months of meeting every Tuesday, it will be nice to have a break.

There were lots of good things about the class. I still love watching the videos and being re-inspired week after week to be wise with our money and careful in our planning. Last night was the lesson on giving, and it was such a poignant reminder that all that we have is not our own, it is our job to faithfully steward it.

This class was not nearly as exciting or inspiring as the first time we hosted, though. There are several reasons for that, but mainly I think because we didn't gel as a group this time. For whatever reason, no one in the group seemed to connect on a personal level. In the class we hosted last fall, we really became friends with the people who attended, and it was inspiring to see each person really latch on to what Dave was teaching and make lifestyle changes because of it.

The people in our spring class didn't seem committed to making change. Partly I think I got this sense because there were one or two people who felt it was their job every week to explain why certain aspects of Dave's philosophy were impossible to live out. It got tiring each week to try to combat the negativity of a few very vocal people, and I'm afraid it soured the experience a little for everyone. Each week it was a task to try to explain how you really can follow Dave's principles without starting an argument or outright saying "you're wrong!"

I know that the idea that you really can go through life without borrowing money, using credit cards, taking out school loans, and worshiping at the alter of the great FICO is counter-cultural. But isn't that the point?? That's what the entire class is about! Yes, most of society uses those things, but most of society is BROKE! I'm perfectly content to be weird, because I actually have money in my pocket.

Anyway, that's not to say that the class wasn't helpful. Several people shared last night about how what they've learned is really making a difference in their lives. One shared about the unity that she and her husband now have that they'd never had in 25 years of marriage. Another said that they have a lot less stress in their lives now. Another mentioned the power of giving every dollar a name, and how doing that has resulted in actually having money left over at the end of the month, which had never happened before.

It was neat to hear the positive feedback, and I'm sure we'll host another class sometime. But for now, it'll be nice to take a break.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the negative, vocal few in your group. I can definitely understand how that would dampen things. Glad you get a break! And I don't think that kind of response is all that common, so don't be reluctant to host another one... there's a good chance it'll be a lot better. (=
    Funny how some groups gel and some don't, though...we've definitely experienced the same thing. Our last one was GREAT. I'm actually looking forward to when My Hero's schedule allows us to host a class again. (=
