Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Living with Intentionality

I am realizing that good nothing in life happens easily. Growing healthy plants takes time and dedication. Having a baby takes months of development, pains, and stretching. Raising a baby is a whole other world of changing and growing. Winning with money takes careful planning and wise decision-making. Being physically fit takes sweat and hard work. Eating foods that nourish and strengthen requires planning and discipline. Strong relationships never just happen. You have to put forth effort to reap the results. Developing a deep spiritual walk requires dedication to spend time with the One who made me.

I am also realizing that I can easily let the hours of my day, and the days of my week, slip away before I even notice. Thus, I am beginning this blog as a way to keep myself on track. To remind myself to live with intentionality. To live with purpose rather than simply drifting through my days. I'm hoping that writing regularly will serve to keep me accountable and remind me of the many goals that I have for myself as a wife, a mother, and a follower of Christ. Perhaps if I am intentional in this regard, I will be able to live intentionally in the many other areas of my life as well.

1 comment:

  1. I love this. Moments, days, slip away from me every time I stop paying attention. It's a daily struggle to stay on track. Go, Autie!!
